Drive With Care, 201313:00 video
For Drive With Care Takala investigated the life of a teacher at an elite boarding school in the U.S. The artist examines the boundaries within this particular community by re-staging significant moments with a necessary dry humour. The project explores strategies for survival, as faculty members in the school also negotiate their own space within the institution, finding loopholes, places to breathe, whilst being careful not to violate shared rules.
Thank you: Siri Baggerman, Vanessa Carlos, Soren Thilo Funder, Hannah Grady, Reetta Huhtanen, Stine Marie Jacobsen, Christina Li, Lisa Lightbody, Aily Nash, Hans Rosenström, Aykan Safoglu, Matthew Schum, Huib Haye van der Werf, Andrew Norman Wilson, Ahmet ÖgütCommissioned by Stina Krook Foundation and Amos Andersson MuseumSupported by Kordelin Foundation
Installation view, Drive With Care, Second Shift, Kiasma, Helsinki, August 2018 – February 2019. Photography by Pirje Mykkänen / Kansallisgalleria