Lost Pigeons, 2012Intervention, posters, 5:00 audio
Lost Pigeons was developed in Ghent, where Takala became fascinated with the local community of pigeon fanciers. Whilst top racing pigeons are auctioned for high prices, losing birds is an unfortunate part of the sport; in fact all of our street pigeons are lost racing pigeons and their offspring. During the racing season of 2012 Takala collected information from bird fanciers in Ghent, lost posters were made to announce each lost pigeon. The posters connect to a sound piece, a phone conversation between the artist and a fancier, offering insight into the economy of the pigeon sport.
Drawings: Siri BaggermanThanks to: Titus Devoogdt, Rom Bohez, Mark de Backer, PiPa, KBDB/RFCB, 't Land Van Belofte, Leopold II - Colombo, De Strijdersbond, Jan Vanermen, Raoul Verstraete, Dries Bombeke, Lionel van Crombrugge, Bart Piens, Willy Marchant, Yves Deploige, Gebroeders Servaes, Wilson Dekens, Georges de Clercq, Raphael Rogiest, Rigobert Bert, Alouïs van Overberghe, Roger Peynaert, Maurice BooneCommissioned for TRACK by S.M.A.K., Ghent, Supported b: Fonds BKVB/The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture