The Shining Shining, 200711:06 two-channel video
The Shining Shining concentrates on a specific TV studio audience who regularly attend a morning programme in Istanbul. This show is hosted by the famous Seda Sayan and watched by housewives all over Turkey for two and a half hours on weekdays. Across the two screens of the installation we see the insincere host being worshipped by the heartbreakingly sincere audience.
Thanks to: Ahmet Ögüt, Henri Tani, Vasıf KortunComissioned by: Frac des pays de la Loire, Nantes, FranceThank you for coming: Ahmet Ögüt, Elmas Deniz, Gülsah Kiliç, Serdar Ögüt, Emine Ekmen, Ayla Albayrak, Leyla Gediz, Müge Ozbay, Hakan Aydogan, Serhat Seyitvan, Günes Terkol, Güçlü Öztekin, Özgür Erkök
installation view, Pilvi Takala: The Shining Shining (2007), Between Sharing and Caring, Frac des Pays de La Loire, France, 2007, photo: Courtesy the artist; Carlos/Ishikawa, London; and Stigter van Doesburg, Amsterdam.